Sunday, May 21, 2006

Arnica: for pain and sore muscles - a movie story

i just got back from Saigon. I was there Producing a feature film called "Saigon Eclipse." but that is another story. This is about Betsy a wonderful lady from Manila who is the 1st Assistant Director of the film. She came home after the second day of filming and said her heels hurt. I got her to take her sock off and gently spread Arnica gel on her feet, massaging ever so gently. I gave her a pill of Arnica 200ch as well. Within minutes she said the feet were feeling better and her body not so sore. She took another pill before bed and a tube of Arnica gel to use on other tender parts. The next morning when she came in she said she had already applied some more gel. She did that one more night and then her feet did not hurt anymore nor did her body, and she never needed any more Arnica. So, even though she never slacked off work, and abused her body each day to the extent she did, and belive me the work is hard out there. Nothing easy on either brain or brawn. So, in spite of this, her body healed and she strengthened herself in 3 days, to take the grind and not hurt. Arnica is awesome and I could tell you my own story of being over 60 and in MIlwakee and going through the same painful ordeal 12 hours a day. Amazing stuff, Arnica.


At 5:44 p.m., Blogger Unknown said...

Hi John,

It's so lovely to hear about the different stories from people who've benefited from the kit, and I thought I'd add my own to the mix. I work as a producer/writer/director for a TV station in Whistler, and like
most production people, suffer from lack of sleep, stress and overwork. I take the Bach Flower remedy (#1 Tromos) when I have a particularly difficult day or situation. The hardest part of production for me is the exhaustion that comes from overwork, and one of the most useful remedies has been the Nux Vomica.(#8 colobrina) When I have a long stretch of shooting, without much opportunity for recovery, I take it every day and then I don't get that heavy, sluggish feeling from lack of rest.

One of my other most-used remedies is #9 Arnica gel, and occasionally I take the globules too if my whole body is sore. My work often means I am skiing, hiking the backcountry or carrying gear over hell's-half acre. We have small crews so as well as producing/directing I am usually the gaffer and often the extra too! For fun I mtn bike in my spare time. All these activities mean lots of bumps, bruises and
stressed muscles. Arnica is like a miracle for the athlete or the physical labourer, and I noticed that it's being sold in a prominent display here in the pharmacies, so clearly this is one homeopathic remedy the Whistler community has embraced. I had a couple of colds this year and managed to put one or two of them off with the #2 Aconite,
but when I was too late I used the #11 Echinacea Throat Spray which helped ease the sore throat.

I think your new blog's a great way to provide other users of the kit with personal stories on their own use. It's so easy to forget that there are other options to traditional medication. Having said that, I must remember to try Carbo Veg next time I have digestive irritation!

take care,

At 12:05 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy Shell rose to the ranks of third assistant director, or at least TAD, on Saigon Eclipse and would like to be reconized on this wonderful website for that feat.
As well, I will soon be posting another article on the power of Ledum to cure hematomae unaffected by machine stims.


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