Got Ashma then read this
The Board of Health
Jeremy Shell, Age 20, Toronto/Vancouver March 1, 2005
I am part of an ever-ailing, over medicated generation. Born in 1984, I found myself in a numbed state where pain was thought avoidable and loving parents could not abide suffering. And so my place was set in an empathy-fueled whirlwind of modifiers.
At age 18 I found myself groggy, weighing 356 pounds at 5'7". I had severe Eczema, causing unconscionable discomfort and leaving me swollen and irritated. The suffering Eczema caused was a major factor in my obesity. I would often go to school in shorts in winter, as the sensation of burning on my skin was eased by the fierce cold.
I had Asthma, worsened by my obesity. Strange as it seems, I was still quite a good athlete, playing high school rugby and experiencing a AA hockey career as a child.
Three doctors saw me a combined eight times annually: my general practitioner, for illness and referrals, a dermatologist for my skin and a specialist for my Asthma.
I was prescribed a cocktail of medications. I took two puffers, one for daily use and one for emergencies. In addition to this, I took daily pills; Singulair to improve breathing and Claritan. Several Eczema remedies including Bethamasone cream, Protopic cream, Nivea cream, Vaseline, Atarax Pills (fatigue agent) and Polysporin were used in combinations daily. Additionally, I used Advil for headaches and soreness and cough syrup when ailing with a cold.
Miraculously, I decided to move out to Vancouver to attend UBC after high school. The Western climate, far more accommodating to my skin, provided me a life of greater comfort than I had ever known. My skin became far less agitated, although still constantly itchy, and did not bother me nearly as severely. Periods of sweating or wearing irritating material (which can be cotton at times of agitation) remained problematic. I ceased to ever use Atarax and my cream consumption decreased drastically. Suffice it to say, I still had breakouts and constant itch, but at far more tolerable levels. Also, my skin did not appear as bad, with less visible dryness, redness and abrasions everywhere. This vastly improved my self-esteem.
I joined the UBC Rugby program, the country's best, and was allowed to stay, upon agreement to get in shape. Coupled with an improved diet, my exercise regime allowed me to lose 118 pounds in two years. My breathing had improved drastically as well as my skin.
Although my health had greatly improved, I still wheezed and was restricted in my play by Asthma and Eczema, which hurt my concentration on the field and cause me to scratch viciously.
Having come so far already and feeling as if I had so much farther to climb, I hit a wall. Eczema and Asthma remained bitter realities in my life. And then I met John Board 6 months ago.
Through a caring mutual friend, John and I were introduced. We spoke at great lengths about my afflictions and John suggested that I try his Hollywood Survival Kit. Willing to experiment, I undertook the expense. I was certain that the potential benefits outweighed the cost of the product.
An honest trial was in order. I ceased to use my Asthma puffers entirely for a period of two weeks, replacing them with the Kit's Mystic Air Spray whenever Asthma became an immediate issue. For the same period, I replaced Cortisone creams with Calendula cream from the Hollywood Survival kit. I also employed a smattering of the Kit's other remedies in appropriate situations. I was off conventional remedies and into the house of Board.
At the end of two weeks, my rugby game-minutes had increased from 40 to 72. I had never felt fitter and was ceasing to hyperventilate as easily. I wheezed slightly, when waning off of puffers, but that stopped after the first days. To this day I use Mystic Air Spray and no pharmaceuticl puffers.
I quickly found the Calendula cream had a soothing texture and consistency. It relieved itch and dryness. I appreciated it‚s non-greasy nature greatly, as did my cleaning bills. I use this product to this day, although I still require strong Cortisones for period of harsh skin outbreak. Unfortunately, Calendula cream is scarcely available in large quantity. The best value I've found for the product is in Board‚s Hollywood Kit.
The Coffea remedy proved a favourite of mine. It claims to hold properties of calming the mind and allowing one to focus. I began taking them while restlessly battling impending schoolwork. I do not know if this drug is a placebo or not, but it worked for me. It seemed to allow me to focus, by what nature I do not know. I use this product weekly.
Arnica Gel was the most pleasant surprise of the kit. The soothing gel relieves soreness from bruises and sore muscles. I enjoyed the healing properties of this gel so much I bought a sample for the rugby team. Several members of the team now keep it on hand, as well as the training staff.
I found that treating colds with a combination of Aconite from the Kit and Echinacea throat spray was most effective. Usually, my Asthma worsens dramatically with cold or flu. However, the Echinacea throat spray relieved the tension in my throat and eased the congested feeling of my lungs allowing me to fend off worsening Asthma due to cold.
As I would increase puffer dosage, when sick, I did the same thing with Mystic Air with excellent results. In addition to this, Arnica gel and Arnica pills aided in keeping sore muscles caused by illness at bay.
In my pursuit of rugby glory, I have employed the Hollywood kit as a major first aid player. As mentioned before, the Arnica gel is a wonder, calming inflammation and pain in bruising and light sprains. Calendula cream proved excellent for soothing irritation from medical tape. As well, Dr. Bach‚s stress formula proved its worth when it calmed a player emerging into shock from a combination of a severe knee sprain and cold.
In my daily life, where I am a common offender against my own body, several remedies have made my life better. Firstly, Carbo Veg. In my constant endeavour to overeat dramatically, Carbo Veg. aides in settling my stomach and easing the bloated feeling.
Aside from food, drink is another vice of mine. Being a university student and a rugby player to boot makes the bar a second home. The Kit's, Nux Vomica is the best hangover relief out there. It alleviates a great deal of the mental fatigue I feel after doing the town, as well as lessening the physically ill feeling in my stomach.
I currently find myself in better health than I have ever known, under the influence of drastically less medicine and subject to less expenditure. I still use prescription medications to treat Eczema, but I require them far less frequently. I have also begun to see a Homeopathic doctor to see if he can help. John Board told me that his brand of homeopathy could compliment modern medicine, not have to replace it. This brand of moderate thought has allowed me to add homeopathic weapons to my treatment arsenal and to realize a better state of being than ever before.
Upon reflection of my experiences over the last six months, I can state wholeheartedly that I am feeling better because of the properties of the Kit. I suggest it to anyone as an excellent first aid tool or as an effective treatment for Asthma. I make this suggestion because today, I feel good.
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