I got a cute email today from- www.boomersmarketing.com
They market to people born from 1946 to 1964, which is the defined period for boomers. So, all you people between 40 and 60, and getting older by the day, belong to this market segment. It is 25% of the buying public. I wonder how many children and grand children are loved and often cared for by boomers. I know I have two sons and 3 grandchildren. I worry about myself getting old in our current medical system. How are my children and their children going to deal with health issues in a more fragile world and government health systems that are inadequate? And then of course, we have the cornucopia of drugs that glut the market with high cost, modest results and often dangerous and debilitating side effects.
For over 15 years I have been using Homeopathy on film sets that are beset with the stress of long hours and detailed work. Accidents, colds, flu, sleeplessness, upsetting moments and nervousness are always just around the corner. Somewhat like any household, where kids go to school and adults have to worry about how to keep it all together. Homeopathy has been a boon to actors as it has no side effects and is fast acting in acute cases. It has meant that a cure can be undertaken and the actor will not lose focus or emotional balance due to side effects. It is cheap, which in this time of rising drug costs, means a whole lot.
I am overjoyed as I watch people pick a remedy and then find it was just what they needed. They are the remedies in my kit: the ones most used on my sets.
I have made the Hollywood Survival kit with the idea that the buyer is not experienced in the use of Homeopathy. The kit is super simple to diagnose with, as it has a numbered symptom index right inside the cover. You can quickly see what number of remedy you need. I have included a guidebook that details every remedy from a practitioner's point of view. It also has actual cases from my own experiences.
I can assure you this kit is a great present if you care about the health of yourself, your children and grandchildren. Homeopathy is a gentle way to wake up your body to heal itself, and once you experience the remedies you will know this is a great way to come to terms with disease and injury. Give the remedies an honest try. I am sure you will be a happy camper. I am confident enough to offer the kit with a money back guarantee.